martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Informe y comentario Reporte de pozos exploratorios de Interbolsa.

Interbolsa ha hecho público su último informe de análisis de actividad exploratoria en Colombia. A continuación está el comentario realizado por el equipo de investigaciones en inglés y el informe presentado por la comisionista en español.
The National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) revealed the status of the exploratory wells (also known as A-3 wells or wildcats) drilled in Colombia to August 2011. The balance of wells for the first seven months of 2011 leaves Petrominerales and Ecopetrol Business Group as the most active explorers in Colombia, each one with 16 operated wells out of a total of 84 in the industry. Ecopetrol now has the same number of operated wells as Petrominerales, who had occupied the first position until now, due to the incorporation of three new wells (Balcanes-1, Chipiron-T2 and Trasgo-1).The number of wells drilled by these companies is significantly higher than other companies such as Pacific Rubiales Energy (6 wells),Gran Tierra (3
wells) and C&C Energia (5 wells). However, due to the newly awarded environmental licenses to Pacific Rubiales in the Quifa block (particularly in the North area),we expect a very busy rest of the year for this company.
To August 2011,the success rate of the exploratory wells in Colombia increased to 49% (22 producers,39 in tests and 23 dry) from 38% a month earlier. After several wells that were initially classified “in tests”
during previous months became producers,the success rate has increased above 40% levels.Nevertheless,some of the information presented by the ANH has been already revealed to the market by the companies,like the case of PetroMagdalena,Petrominerales and Cepsa (Gran Tierra).

Reporte de Pozos ExploratoriosAgosto 2011

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